Friday, October 9, 2009

Goldenseal Root a Natural Anti-Biotic

Goldenseal is anti-biotic and anti-viral. The main active ingredients are substances called berberine and hydrastine. Both of these are able to wipe out bacteria and viruses.

Native Americans found golden seal useful for skin diseases, treating wounds, and inflammation in the eyes.

Early medical reference books show golden seal being used as a tea to help with stomach indigestion. Today we find it used to treat cold and flu symptoms. It is also being used for the antibacterial properties.

This herb is also in use for stomach problems, urinary tract infections and as a general tonic to boost the entire immune system. Many have said that it posses anti-inflammatory properties that help with inflamed membranes in the eyes, ears, nose, throat and stomach. It is also said to help regulate blood sugar levels, aid in digestion and relieve cases of constipation.

Goldenseal is found many times in combination with other herbs such as Echinacea. These two herbs tend to complement each other.

You can find goldenseal in whole root form, capsule, tablet or tincture. Herbalist suggest taking extracts that are standardized (says it on the label) to contain 8-12% alkaloids. In capsule or tablet form suggested use is 250-500 mg three times per day. If taking the whole root the suggested amount is 4-6 gm per day, best in powdered form.

Goldenseal shouldn’t be taken in large doses. Don’t take goldenseal longer than three weeks without about a two break in between. This is because of the alkaloids mentioned earlier which can cause gastrointestinal distress. But again this is why it is suggested not to use goldenseal in excess or for longer than three weeks in a row.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Centaury Bach Flower Remedy “Can’t Say No”

Centaury is for people who find it difficult to say 'no' to other people. They are kind, gentle souls and like to be of help to others. But sometimes other more ruthless people will take advantage of this, and instead of willing service the Centaury ends up the slave of another's wishes.

The Centaury remedy does not harden the Centaury personality. Instead it asupports the development of courage and self-determination so that Centaury people are better able to draw the line and make space where they can be themselves free of the desires and commands of others.

Maybe you know someone who is on every committee, helps out with every event, runs errands for parents, and anticipates and jumps to serve every need before their spouse or child even speaks? Maybe you are a Centaury type, too.
While in a negative Centaury state taking service, devotion to a cause and a genuine desire to help to a fault will turn this person into a doormat. They are unable to say no.

They will be tired, overworked and resentful that others take advantage of their good nature. But their desire for recognition and validation keeps them from developing their own uniqueness.

They are too fearful of rejection to allow their own distinctive personalities to develop and to stand up for their own wants and needs.

After taking Centaury remedy Centaury people realize that rushing to assist is not always good for others. They will also be able to say no, and to give service when and where it is appropriate.

Dr Bach's description
Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. They overtax their strength in their endeavours. Their wish so grows upon them that they become more servants than willing helpers. Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work, and in so doing they may neglect their own particular mission in life.
- taken from The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies, which you can order from the Bach Centre.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Take More Vitamin D Most of Us Don’t Get Enough

This an information is taken from the Mother Earth News. I thought it was too important not to post!

What do the following conditions have in common: osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer? Give up? Experts think that low levels of vitamin D raise your risk of getting these diseases. Unfortunately, most of us probably are deficient in vitamin D.
D regulates cells all over the body, which explains vitamin D’s disparate roles, such as influencing insulin production and immune function, as well as helping prevent inflammation and cancer.

Why We’re D-ficient
In response to ultraviolet B (UVB) rays in sunlight, our skin transforms a derivative of cholesterol normally found in the skin into vitamin D3 (cholecaliferol).
Humans evolved near the equator and spent days outdoors, allowing the skin to generate ample amounts of this vitamin.

We can take supplements, but government recommendations are cautious — 200 IU a day for young adults, 400 for people 51 - 70, and 600 for those over 70. Vitamin D expert Bruce W. Hollis, M.D., of the Medical University of South Carolina, says such doses might be enough to prevent rickets, but aren’t high enough to meet other important functions.

Most of us don’t even reach these inadequate guidelines. 80 % of adults aren’t getting recommended amounts, and nearly 60 % had low blood levels of vitamin D, a statistic that rose to 75% in women over 65 years old. Furthermore, those women with low blood levels of vitamin D were more likely to have high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Results of Deficiency
So what are the dangers of too little vitamin D in your system?
Weak bones and muscles.
In adults, vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis (thin, brittle bones) and osteomalacia (rubbery, demineralized bones).
Cancer. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to several types of cancer, including breast, prostate, colon and melanoma.
Cardiovascular disease. In addition to cancer and bone disease, vitamin D may also be healthy for your heart.
Asthma. Preliminary studies show that vitamin D also may help alleviate respiratory problems, such as asthma.
Autoimmune disorders. Vitamin D reduces inflammation and plays a role in the maturation of the immune system. Deficiency is common in autoimmune diseases where the immune system attacks normal cells, such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis (MS).
Mental health. Psychiatrist John Cannell, M.D., founder of the nonprofit Vitamin D Council, says that vitamin D may contribute to several emotional disorders.

How to Get Enough D
Expose yourself. Your skin can tackle much of your vitamin D needs. If you’re young, fair, scantily clad and near the equator, 10 to 15 minutes of peak sunshine produces 20,000 IUs.
But what about skin cancer? Despite increased sunscreen usage, skin cancer rates have risen. One reason is that, until recently, sunscreens didn’t impede deeply penetrating UVA light.

Eat D-licious foods. Only a few foods contain much vitamin D. Shiitake mushrooms can be an exceptional source of vitamin D, as noted in research published in Paul Stamets’ book, Mycelium Running. Shiitake mushrooms grown and dried indoors have only 110 IU of vitamin D per 100 grams. But when the shiitakes were dried in the sun, the vitamin D content rose to 21,400 IUs per 100 grams. Even more surprising, when the mushrooms were dried with their gills facing up toward the sun, their content rose to 46,000 IU!

Take supplemental D. Most North Americans can’t maintain healthy blood levels of D from sunlight and good diet. Therefore, many experts recommend 800 to 1,000 IU a day — several times the government guidelines of 200 to 600 IU.

Who’s at Risk?
Dark-skinned people.
Melanin darkens skin and absorbs UV light, which protects against sun damage and limits vitamin D production. Holick’s research shows that 80 % of African-Americans studied in Boston over age 65 were vitamin D deficient — at the end of summer!
Northerners. People who live at higher latitudes where winters are long and dark run a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. Holick notes that even fair-skinned people living above 37 degrees latitude make little vitamin D during the winter.
Older adults. The skin production of vitamin D and its activation in the kidneys declines with age. Further, the elderly typically spend more time indoors. Vitamin D deficiency in this age group contributes to osteoporosis and falls.
Breast-fed infants. Research in Iowa by Hollis and colleagues found that vitamin D deficiency, including severe deficiency, was common among breast-fed infants without vitamin D supplementation. Vitamin D deficiency in nursing mothers is the reason breast milk is D deficient. Unfortunately, early deficiency can have lifelong consequences.
People with intestinal disorders. Disorders that interfere with fat absorption include celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, pancreatic insufficiency, liver disease or cystic fibrosis. Fat-soluble vitamins such as D are absorbed from the intestine with dietary fat, so people with low ability to absorb fat may need vitamin D supplements.
Sun avoiders. People who cover up for religious, cultural or health reasons also run the risk of deficiency. Clothing blocks UVB waves, interfering with or preventing the skin’s formation of vitamin D.
Overweight. In a British study, obese people were twice as likely as those of normal weight to be low in vitamin D. Hollis explains it’s because fat sponges up vitamin D and stores it, but doesn’t release it.
Linda B. White, M.D., is an assistant professor of Health Professions at Metropolitan State College, Denver. Since researching this article, she’s upped her vitamin D dose.

For this complete article and more be sure to go to and search vitamin d

Friday, September 18, 2009

Beech the Bach Flower Remedy for Intolerance

Beech was described by Dr Bach as the remedy for people who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. Beech people - or people in a Beech state - are intolerant of people who are not just like them. They lack compassion and understanding of the different circumstances and different paths that other people are given, and fail to see that others too are working towards perfection but in different ways.
Sometimes Beech intolerance is manifested as outbursts of irritability: the remedy helps to encourage tolerance and understanding, and as this happens so the irritability also fades.
This is an amazing remedy. Do you see Beech people in your life or have Beech moments of your own.
Dr Bach's description
For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And, although much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within. So as to be able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are working to their own final perfection.
- taken from The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies, which you can order from the Bach Centre.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Over the Top, Stressed Out, Can’t Take It!

Are you on your last nerve at work? Do you find yourself taking your stress home with you? Do you feel like you have too many deadlines and not enough hours in the day? Are you doing more work with fewer resources?

You may be feeling more fatigued, more stressed and waking up tired. It’s harder to stay focused and stay sharp. You are probably drinking more and more coffee with less effect. You might even seem absent minded.

Well you are not alone! In today’s societies with all of their demands on our time it is not uncommon to feel this and more, possibly even depression.

Exercise helps, if you can just do it on a regular basis and squeeze in that extra time.

Meds help, but who wants to take those unless you absolutely need them medically, right?

Let’s face it the workload and stress are probably not going to go away anytime soon. But it is still taking a toll on you, so let’s begin there for starters.

A couple of things are probably happening physically that we need to deal with.

1) your nervous system is really overtaxed and needs some help coping
2) once you become to exhausted your adrenal glands start to shut down

OK here’s the disclaimer for all the medical and nutritional types out there:
I am not a medical doctor nor am I a nutritionist nor do I try to dispense advice as either. If you need that type of advice you need to go to one.

While I was a practicing licensed massage therapist I ended up with a lot of new clients that were referred to me by medical doctors and chiropractors. Many of these folks were stressed out to the max!

I knew from a natural health background and my studies at the Clayton School of Natural Health that the addition of B-Complex vitamins would help them tremendously. I had learned that B-Complex is basically the “food of choice” for our nervous system” along with calcium.

I would share this information with my clients who would be very excited and promise to get started on them. Most did not follow through as they were to busy to make the extra time for a trip to the health food store.

I decided to have a vitamin, mineral and herb line in the office to make it easy. After researching numerous companies I selected one based on three basic factors:

1) purity of ingredients and stringent testing guidelines for their suppliers. Come to find out this company I selected is so into purity they insist on making their own bottles and caps so they know for sure what goes into them
2) number of years in business to show stability
3) a members purchasing option for prices below retail

I ended up selecting a company out of Utah called Natures Sunshine; I will be upfront with you this is registered as a MLM type company. I don’t use it as such as I am not a MLM type person. I use it because of the above mentioned reasons and the products work very well.

Here’s what you want to try for your stressed out condition:
Nutri-Calm stock # 1617-3

Benefits:•Soothes frayed nerves by providing healthy doses of the B-complex vitamins. •Aids in relaxation and encourages restful sleep.•Boosts the immune system.•Helps provide energy.•Is a source of antioxidants (vitamin C and lemon bioflavonoids).•Provides other nutrients essential to good health. Nutri-Calm® is a key product designed to support the nervous system, especially when under stress. During times of stress, the body rapidly loses B vitamins. Nutri-Calm provides generous amounts of these nutrients in a base of herbs known to support optimal nervous system health.

I used Nutri-Calm at a time when I was seriously stressed in my life and within about two-weeks I could really notice a major difference in the way I was feeling.

To find more information on this product click on then ‘Products’ then ‘Customer Favorites’ and scroll half way down the page.

I normally don’t put products in the blog but this is an important subject and a condition that is easy to remedy

Friday, September 4, 2009

Aspen Bach Remedy for Fears of Unknown Origins

Aspen is the remedy for any fear where the cause of the fear cannot be named. On one side a person’s Aspen fear can be just a sense of foreboding, or a feeling of uneasy with anxiety that something is going to happen that may turn out unpleasantly. They might even feel something frightening may happen.

However, on the other side of the scale there could be a real feeling of terror, with physical symptoms like their “hair standing on end”. If this is the case some Rock Rose may be needed as Rock Rose is the remedy for someone who is panicked, very frightened or even terrorized.

Some folks think of Aspen as a night-time fear, with no cause for the emotions displayed. Certainly if you were lying awake in a dark room scared of something but not knowing what it was, then Aspen is the remedy.

But in fact Dr Bach said that for fear of the dark itself Mimulus would be the appropriate remedy to take, since the cause of the fear (the dark) can be named. Nameless Aspen fears are just as likely to occur in full sunlight as on a dark night.

Children in need of Aspen Bach flower remedy may think the monster hiding under their bed or in the closet could be real. They want bedroom doors open and a light left on all night.
The person taking Aspen will feel a balance in their life and will notice that shapeless, nameless, and groundless fears will become a thing of the past.

Children treated with Aspen Bach flower remedy will once again be able to trust that the monster under the bed in not real and sleep peacefully.

Dr Bach's description
Vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation, no reason. Yet the patient may be terrified of something terrible going to happen, he knows not what. These vague unexplainable fears may haunt by night or day. Sufferers often are afraid to tell their trouble to others.

- taken from The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies, which you can order from the Bach Centre.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Valerian Root the Natural Sedative of Europe

I like to use valerian root in capsule form when having trouble sleeping rather than over-the-counter sleep aids. I prefer the capsule form because of the somewhat unpleasant odor of the plant.

Valerian was referred to as the 'Valium of the 19th century'. Bear in mind that it is no way related chemically to valium. It may because of some of its natural properties such as being classified as a calmative, antispasmodic, nervine, sedative and others.

Old school herbalist used valerian as their ‘herb of choice’ for dealing with panic attacks or nervous tensions (remember the nervine property). On another note the ‘food of choice’ for the nervous system in my book is vitamin B-Complex.

If you are the nervous type, stressed out or under a lot of pressure on the job take a good quality B-Complex daily and consistently and you will most likely find your nerves not so on edge after a short while.

Some common names you might hear for Valerian are all-heal, heal-all, blessed herb, capon’s tail, English or German Valerian, setwell, vandal root and wild valerian. There are more names but these are some of the more common.

Besides being used as a natural sleep aid some herbalist also use it for hypochondria, nervous headaches, irritability, mild spasms, diarrhea, hysteria, cramps, PMS symptoms and other related problems.

As with all things moderation is best. If taken in excess valerian can actually cause the symptoms you are trying to relieve. Headaches, spasmodic movements or hallucinations maybe caused by excess use.

As always check with your medical provider before taking any herbs as some may interact with and/or counteract important medicines you may be taking.